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Computers and Decompression Planning
05-31-2003, 08:14 PM,
Re:Computers and Decompression Planning
Sorry Tom, but I really don't see this site going the same way as the Milwaukee scuba site. Have you seen the sister site to this one? has a lot greater diversity on it than this site. THey have even more discussions than the DIR/stroke ones. THey have a whole group of mixed gas rebreather divers up there that discuss everything good and bad about it- that's something that Wisconsin is WAY behind in. THey even have a freediving section to their board. ;D

They also have a group of shops that offer way more than any Wisconsin shop. Sure everyone offers the latest trip down south, but they also have shops up there running live aboards to the Arctic Circle! They have plenty of tec trips that they advertise and discuss. There are open discussions, and arguments, about the differences in dive palnning and bailouts- something that this thread was originally meant to cover. Wink

People on that forum don't always get along, but is hasn't been driven into the ground either. People should be allowed to discuss what gear they like, where they dive, who has the best price on air fills and which shop/ boat/ instructor gave them the best service. That's the wonderful part of the internet. 8)

You don't have to agree with everything you read or every idea that someone else posts. The idea is to share information.

The original intent of this post was to talk about proper dive planning. When it comes to tec diving, this is the "advanced section, after all, I think that a lot more has to go into it than just strapping a $1,000 computer on your wrist and having at it.

There are plenty of divers out there who have strapped on a computer and dove to 200+ on a single tank, ran low/out of air, and had to share air with a bunch of other divers on the way up. They then go around and beat their chest like their a tec diver. Their not. In tec diving we call that "genepool math" and there is a Darwin award waiting for them with their name on it. And yes, I HAVE had to rescue more than one of them. Wink

Proper dive planning starts with knowing what your gas consumption is, while swimming, at rest, dragging stages, in a flooded suit. This is a vital piece of information for proper deep dive planning. You would be amazed at how many scuba instructors don't know how to do this- it was required in my basic scuba class and I am thankful that it was.

When it comes to tec diving there are many good programs out there. NAUI and GUE are two of the best. When it comes to these programs you know that your going to get a quality instructor because they have raised their standards so high.

The PADI program isn't too bad, but they still make you do this deep air dives which I don't agree with and have talked to them about- not that it did any good. IANTD and TDI are all over the place. There are TDI instuctors that I wouldn't allow to fill my tanks and there are others that I would gladly trust my life to.

You don't have to agree with anything I said, but if you have a better plan and I would like to listen to it.
I haven't always been a DIR diver. I was driven there by having to many experiences diving with others who also weren't DIR and sent me looking for a better way. IF you have worked out a better system, or know of someone who has, I am all ears- that's what this board is for, sharing information.


Messages In This Thread
Re:Computers and Decompression Planning - by TomG - 05-31-2003, 10:24 AM
Re:Computers and Decompression Planning - by FreediveWI - 05-31-2003, 08:14 PM
Re:Computers and Decompression Planning - by Omicron - 06-02-2003, 09:48 AM

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