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Wazee on Sunday? (5/30)
05-28-2004, 04:05 PM,
Wazee on Sunday? (5/30)
OK, my [expletives deleted] tanks woes continue, but... Wazee Watersports can have a rental DIN tank for me on Sunday morning if I commit tonight to using it... anybody want to do a single tank dive on Sunday morning? It's only an AL80, so just a basic dive...

Meanwhile, I've been very particularly wanting a Pressed Steel HP120, and they've been out of stock for months... now they're finally reshipping them on pre-existing backorders only. There appears to one of them in the state of Wisconsin, but hours and hours from me. For $100 less I'm having one shipped from my old dive shop in California. Go figure!!! ;-)

05-28-2004, 06:43 PM,
Re:Wazee on Sunday? (5/30)
Hey John I will be diving Sat Morning and have an extra HP100 you can use. If you will be in the area.

06-01-2004, 07:35 AM,
Re:Wazee on Sunday? (5/30)
Is there a list anywhere of all the upcoming events at Wazee?
If so where?


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