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Ghost Ships Challenge Show Your Support
02-20-2010, 07:56 AM,
Ghost Ships Challenge Show Your Support
Ghost Ships Challenge

I would like to start a post challenging all of the members of this forum to say nice things about each other and how great it is to support the Ghost Ships Show.  I am very proud of the small things that I have done to support the Ghost Ships, and I challenge everyone to step up to the plate and do some good on the internet, say something good, or go out and do some good will to spread the word about Ghost Ships.  Be proud of your support whatever it is and tell everyone why you like the organization so much.  I am just one lone person, I challenge you to go beyond do more, contribute more, and help Ghost Ships be the best show it can be.

For example, a few of the small things that I have done to support the show:

For 7 years purchase a booth to advertise at the show – I’m sure there are many longer attendees; tell us!

For 6 years I have sent out thousands of newsletters to customers in MN to advertise the show and to attend the event.

For 5-6 years I had the Ghost Ships Show listed on my web site advertising the event and the great speakers, activities

For 7 years I have donated thousands of dollars in high quality scuba equipment including: Regulators, BCD’s, Canister Dive Light, Silicone Dive Masks, Fins, Scuba Accessories and more.

One year I was fortunate to provide a presentation at the show – thank you!

One year I purchased over $500 in horsd’oeuvres  to Scooters Sports Bar – for anyone who attended.

I still continue to support the show and for the past three years have been working with the show management to lobby the show to provide a Rebreather Demo that supports and promotes all of the dive stores and instructors in the community.  It was my suggestion to use local talent, and donate the proceeds to the show.
Again I am just one person, who has done a small fraction of support for this great event.  Use your energy for something positive and stop the kicking, biting, and name calling. Please step up to the plate and do more, go farther, be proud and give-give-give…..

Support the Ghost Ships Show!

Good Diving

02-20-2010, 09:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-20-2010, 09:26 PM by Tamara Thomsen.)
Re: Ghost Ships Challenge Show Your Support
You’re absolutely right!  This is a great idea for a post!

But I’m not going to bore everyone with a list of all that I’ve done for the Festival and GLSRF over the past 11 years- I try to give of myself and donate what my shop can afford to give, and I don’t expect it to be notice.  I do it because it is the right thing to do.  Plus, that’s all in the past, it’s old news and who really cares.

I’m attending Ghost Ships Festival again this year- and I can’t wait !!!  I’ve got my presentation ready on Photo Mosaics. I’ve lined up all the rebreathers and the local talent to help with the 3rd Annual Rebreather Workshop at the Festival! Bigger and better – of course!

But best of all, I’ve rented 2 booths for Diversions Scuba, and we are planning some fun antics for the show again  ;D  (Become a Friend of Diversions Scuba on Facebook to get  the inside track- we’ll unveil our plan in the next week.  Really, it’s something that everyone will want to be a part of- hint, hint ) 

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