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NOAA Meeting on Potential National Marine Sanctuary
06-03-2009, 06:24 PM,
Re: NOAA Meeting on Potential National Marine Sanctuary
The first one I attended in Manitowoc a while ago was very good and very informational. NOAA and the rest of the speakers did an excellent job and helped clear up a lot of things for the fishing boat captains. There was not a lot of diver support at the first meeting so I am glad to see this post to get divers informed on it a little bit more.
Thanks Much and Dive Safe,<br /><br />Mike Bernard<br />Mobile Divers LLC<br />(715) 482-8919<br /><br /><br />

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Re: NOAA Meeting on Potential National Marine Sanctuary - by sum-yung guy - 06-03-2009, 06:24 PM

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