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Photos with A710 and external strobe
08-27-2007, 10:31 AM,
Photos with A710 and external strobe
I finally found some time to rig up the optical trigger fiber between my Canon A710 and my external strobe. 
I tested out last week on the Northerner while volunteering for the Wisconsin Historical Society.  I haven't really figured out how to work everything yet, but it's clearly an enormous improvement over using the internal strobe. 

Most photos here were shot on manual at 1/60 s with the strobe at full power, keeping the aperture small for close-ups and larger for further off shots.  I can't figure out whether it's better to dial down the strobe power or dial down the aperture for close-ups - it seems like it focuses okay both ways. I've really been enjoying the ability to adjust the foreground lighting and background lighting independently after so many years of having mostly-automatic cameras.

Any tips are welcome!

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