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Digital Photography and Computers
06-30-2004, 10:59 PM,
Digital Photography and Computers
Digital Photography is a wonderful thing. It allows you to take you photographs and do the complex darkroom functions on a computer and get great results. 8)

Now I am sure that I will hear from some that this manupulation of image is wrong and bad. ;D This can be debated endlessly. For a good discussion on this subject, reference Jack and Sue Drafahl, "Digital Imaging for the Underwater Photographer", Amherst Media, 2002. This book covers this debate better than I can and provides a great reference for Digital image taking, editing and storage.

What I will try to do is show things that can be done with images and get some discussion going on picture techniques. Should spark a little debate and we may learn a few things.

Two areas that come up often is editing software and how to keep track of all of those pictures.

For editing I use Adobe Photoshop CS. Not cheap, ??? but it is powerful and the CS version is relatively user friendly, which was not true in the past. There are a number of one-step functions on this software that do a great job on digital photographs and underwater pictures in particular. If you want to try this software there is a 30-day free download of the full version from Adobe at their web site .

However, not all people are willing to get Photoshop CS. What have other users been working with?

I have a library of 8,000 pictures :o that I have taken since I went digital 2 years ago. About half are underwater pictures. This became a major storage and retreival issue. I have been using Adobe Photoshop Ablum to keep this all straight. This software has worked well for me. Anyone using any other software?

Lets hear some feedback.


Messages In This Thread
Digital Photography and Computers - by dfreeman - 06-30-2004, 10:59 PM
Re:Digital Photography and Computers - by scubert - 07-01-2004, 07:20 AM
Re:Digital Photography and Computers - by scubert - 07-01-2004, 09:39 AM

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