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Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning
12-21-2006, 10:57 PM,
Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning

My name is James Hefner; and I live south of Forth Worth, Texas.  For over ten years, I have been researching steam engines of all kinds, including steam pumps, as part of my Surviving World Steam Project website:

In the past, I have contacted Whitney Gould of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentenail  in regards to trying to save the steam powered compressor house at the former Solvay Coke Plant in Milwaukee, WI. I also spoke with the film crew who filmed an episode there for the "Urban Explorer - Milwaukee" episode:

I am writing today in regards to the steam pump found on the wreck of the Mahoning; it is of extreme interest to me.  Henry Worthington invented the first direct acting steam pump in 1842; steam pumps aboard ships did not come in wide use until the 1850s.  Steam pumps were rare aboard vessels through the 1860s; although I think they were all of Worthington design.

I would like to learn more about the steam pump found on the wreck site;  I would also like to see more pictures of it.  I am presently working with Conservation Department of the Mariners Museum in Newport News, Virginia to learn details about the Worthington steam pumps that were recovered from wreck of the Union warship U.S.S. Monitor by the museum:

The U.S.S Monitor was built in 1861, and sank in a storm in 1862.  That would put her steam pumps at about the same vintage as the one aboard the Mahong, and the one aboard the Mahong appears to have less marine growth on it.  Examining both pumps at the same time may help in documenting both finds.

If anyone can help with more details, photographs, or drawings of the steam pump on the wreck of Mahoning, I would appreciate it very much.  Thank you in advance.  You can see pictures of the steam pump found on the U.S.S. Monitor by joining my Steam Lizards Group on Yahoo at:

Then going to the Photo section of the group's website.

-James Hefner
Hebrews 10:20a


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Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning - by survivingworldstea - 12-21-2006, 10:57 PM

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