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New pool dive update!
11-04-2005, 04:40 PM,
New pool dive update!
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know I did 45 minutes under the water
yesterday! It was great! We went to the deep end again and I was
under at about 5 ft deep. I turned onto my belly for about 10
minutes, that, was really awesome!

On the inside of my dry suit I have a connector that hooks my vent
tubing to my dry suit, we found a hairline crack in it, and the air
escaping kept making my dry suit blow up! I think I need to find one
that is made of metal or some other sturdy material. We are going
to check into it later.

Next time I am hitting an hour. Thats the longest I am going to
go. After that I am going to start spending more time on my belly, getting the bouyancy down pat.  Eventually I want to work up to 6 ft under the water seeing how that goes.

Here's a link to some new pictures I added of my pool dive

Take care everyone.

Messages In This Thread
New pool dive update! - by scuba diving Matt - 11-04-2005, 04:40 PM

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