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Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections
02-21-2010, 05:16 PM,
Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections
I think with all the problems that we are seeing in the sport the best bet is as Ron says “Support Ghost Ships!”  To me that means go to Ghost Ships, bring a friend and if you want to attend a rebreather demo go see the one at the festival or go to one of the many others Ron says he is doing.  Another option would be to contact Tammi or Greg Such and I am sure either of them will work with you as there are many different training options out there.

Bottom line is like Ron says get out and support Ghost Ships!  Especially those dealers that are there year after year and especially now in these tough economic times.  These are the dealers supporting you so let’s keep the momentum going by getting behind them!

Enough of getting on the soap box and preaching about what anyone has done in the past!  Let’s look to the future and keep on supporting those that support us!


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Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections - by NEHDAD - 02-21-2010, 05:16 PM

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