Lowe Key, Fl - Any advice? - Printable Version

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Lowe Key, Fl - Any advice? - Weston - 02-17-2005

Any one have any advice for diving in the Lowe Key area?

Re: Lowe Key, Fl - Any advice? - Omicron - 02-17-2005

That's the one pronounced "Loo" right??

I got to make a dive or two on that area last year...best advice I can give is enjoy yourself!  It's considered one of the nicest areas to dive in the Key's area.  We took out a friends boat to the place, so I can't recommend a charter, but it's a nice place to dive.  Good reef life, and lots to see.  The are is pretty big, so don't get lost - you can spend forever toodling around and lose track of where you are.  Shallow depths and good viz make for a great long dive.