
Full Version: Black and White Photography
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With digital images, I find that some images, especially of wrecks or larger views in fresh water do not look their best in color. The image is sharp, but the color gradient is too much and everything in the background is on shades of green or blue.

By desaturating the image, I find that these photos take on a whole new life. Here are some examples>

THe first is a wall dive under the ice. Great visibility, but it is still a green looking picture.
In black and white, this picture is more interesting and the features are stronger.
Here is another example. This is a picture on a wreck with great visibility and light. The foreground has a lot of color but the background fades to shades of green because of distance. Not much that can be done to sharpen up this picture in color.
Here is the same picture in black and white. I think it is much better.

If you have a sharp picture but the colors are not great because of distance, try converting to grayscale and see if that makes a difference.
I agree. I shot this at Isle Royale last summer with the intention of converting to b&w.

Shot from the engine room of the America looking up thru the catwalks

This is the Grand Staircase inside the America, originally shot in color with plans to convert to B&W

This was shot on the bow section of the Emperor, again in color with plans to convert

I'd like to pick up part of this thread and move it over to dfreemans discussion on digital vs. film
That is what I am talking about. The black and white versions are very dramatic.

What part of this thread would you like see moved?

actually I just continued my thoughts in the digital photography topic. thanks though.
Nice shots to you both. Can I ask where they were taken?
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