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Has anyone seen, or more importantly dove, the new Fourth Element Halo 3-D? I have been reading mixed reviews on it, although most seem to be supporting the claims that it will keep you warm during the coldest, longest dives.

For the price, I sure would hate to get one only to realize the Diving Concepts underwear that I've already got work better.

They have extra insulation on the chest and back.  They look like
they will keep you warm on cold dives. 
I have a set on order.  I guess I'm just an undergarmet junkie!
They were supposed to have started shipping a week or 2 back from what I read. I'm curious to see one too, but will probably stick with my Arctics, and SubXeros. I like the idea of a 1 piece suit, so I may be tempted anyway.
I was considering them for the Super Hero look they offer.    There was a write up on the Decostop about them, but the dives weren't in very cold water.